Takeru Hashimoto ☕️
Takeru Hashimoto

Project Researcher

About Me

Takeru Hashimoto is currently a project researcher at the SonyCSL in Japan. He is studying computer science, human computer interaction and robotics in the graduate school of The University of Tokyo. He received his Ph.D. in information science and technology, master’s degree in information science and technology and bachelor’s degree in mechano-informatics engineering from The University of Tokyo in 2023, 2020 and 2018 respectively. His awards include the Young Researcher’s Award from the virtual reality society of Japan and the Best Paper Honorable Mentions Award in SIGCHI. His current research area is Virtual / Augmented Reality of haptics and Human-Augmentation throght haptic feedback.

  • Haptic Interface
  • Body Reconstraction
  • Human Augmentation via Haptics
  • Human AI Integration
  • Ph.D. in Information Science and Technology

    The University of Tokyo

  • MEng in Information Science and Technology

    The University of Tokyo

  • BSc in Mechano-informatics

    The University of Tokyo

Vision – Beyond Physicality –
Traditionally, our bodies have defined the edges of our perception, cognition, and capability. Yet as technology evolves, these once-fixed boundaries can be transcended. Beyond Physicality explores how we might re-envision the human body not as a static, biologically given form, but as a customizable, dynamic interface to interact with the world. In this new paradigm, the body becomes something we can extend, reshape, and even “swap,” allowing us to question the nature of our physical presence and identity.
Featured Publications
Recent Publications
(2024). AgiLimb: Embodied agile robotic arm by integrating digital reflex and seamless action takeover. SIGGRAPH Asia 2024 Emerging Technologies.
(2024). Bridging player intentions: Exploring the potential of synchronized haptic controllers in multiplayer game. arXiv [cs.HC].
(2024). Selfrionette: A fingertip force-input controller for continuous full-body avatar manipulation and diverse haptic interactions. Proceedings of the 37th Annual ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology.
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