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(2019). Transcalibur: A Weight Shifting Virtual Reality Controller for 2D Shape Rendering based on Computational Perception Model. Proceedings of the 2019 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems.
(2019). Demonstration of Transcalibur: A VR Controller that Presents Various Shapes of Handheld Objects. Extended Abstracts of.
(2018). タッチスクリーンでの擬似触力覚提示による注意誘導. VR学会論文誌.
(2018). Transcalibur: weight moving VR controller for dynamic rendering of 2D shape using haptic shape illusion. ACM SIGGRAPH 2018 Emerging Technologies.
(2018). Transcalibur: dynamic 2D haptic shape illusion of virtual object by weight moving VR controller. ACM SIGGRAPH 2018.
(2018). Effect of pseudo-haptic feedback on touchscreens on visual memory during image browsing. CHI Conf. Proc..
(2017). Magic table: deformable props using visuo haptic redirection. SIGGRAPH Asia 2017.